

Research publications and research data

Open access publishing

LSHTM is committed to meeting the open access requirements of the Research Excellence Framework. We support all our academics in making their research freely available online. View our Open Access Publishing Policy (pdf). Research conducted by our staff is made available through our free online repository, , which contains:

  • Journal articles
  • Conference and workshop papers
  • Doctoral theses
  • Unpublished reports and working papers
  • Books, chapters and sections
  • Podcasts & videos
  • Software
  • Patents

Research data management

The management of research data is an integral part of good research practice that enable our datasets to be shared and validated, while protecting the intellectual and financial investment made in its creation. We support our staff to ensure to ensure that research data are managed in accordance with relevant legislative, regulatory, contractual, ethical, and other obligations. Our research data are available through , a digital repository of datasets produced by LSHTM and its collaborators. View our Research Data Management Policy (pdf).

Staff and student information on and is available on the intranet.

Declaration on Research Assessment

DORA logo

LSHTM has signed the which recognises the need to improve how research is assessed.

Our commitments to this include:

  • We will not use journal-based metrics (such as journal impact factors) to assess the quality of individual articles. The quality of an article will be assessed on the scientific content and not on the journal it was published in.  
  • We will assess an individual researcher’s contribution on a number of outputs, not just journal articles.
  • LSHTM staff will work together to produce support and training for academic and professional support staff. This will enable them to use metrics and research evaluation in a responsible manner.